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Get Ready for A Real-Time Strategy

by S.L.E.D.G.E.

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    S.L.E.D.G.E, a Real-Time Strategy game with top-down 3rd person view will consist of 4 playable factions of Xenocide Swarm, Infernal Legion, Collective Conclave and Synthordan Coalition. The Xenocide Swarm is an insect-based faction that resulted from extensive radiation exposure of existing insects on the nuclear irradiated surface of Earth during the ongoing battle between the Legion and the Coalition. The Infernal Legion is a demonic-based faction summoned from the depths of Hell, accidentally released when a space jump-drive opened a portal to another dimension releasing the Legion upon Earth. The Collective Conclave is an alien-based faction with genetic mutations initially from a human transport ship that was hijacked and those in cryo-sleep genetically adapted to the ship and space instead of the planet 481-AT. Finally, the Synthordan Coalition is a biological-mechanical human faction that relies heavily on armored vehicles and aeuronautics to combat the above factions. Our hope is to incorporate strategy, unit upgrades and spell-casting into a playable, fun game.
    What separates S.L.E.D.G.E. from other RTS games, besides being fun and engaging, is the primary focus being on gameplay and combat and less on resource management. For instance, auto-mining will occur with both resources of Emerald, the mineral resource and Flex, the gas resource. These structures will also be auto-built when the initial central Base Center is constructed by the Base Unit of that Faction. Each player will start with 1 Base Center surrounded by both 3 built Emerald Miners and 3 built Flex miners. There will be a single Base Unit. The Base Unit is the only unit that is capable of building structures and there is only 1 Base Unit per constructed Base.
    Each additional Base Center location will have 2 locations for Emerald mining and 2 locations for Flex mining surrounding it. Once the Base Center is constructed by a Base Unit, the Emerald and Flex miners will begin to auto-build once the cost(100 Emerald each) is reached. The Base Unit respawns instantly if killed at the Base Center it originated from. It has no attack capabilities. Emerald mining will occur at 25/s/miner and Flex mining will occur at 20/s/miner. An Emerald field holds 2500 minerals and a Flex source holds 2000 gas.
    S.L.E.D.G.E. will not have supply depots, rather the Base Centers constructed  will add 25 supply per Center built, encouraging map dominance and control. Max supply will be presumptively capped at 225. Thus, supply can be halted if Base Centers are destroyed by the opposing player.
    There will be neutral creatures at each expansion Base Center that need to be killed/eliminated in order to take control of that location. They will attack either player but retreat to location if player/units escape their area/territory.
    We would also like to include the Fog of War concept that is popular with many RTS games, emphasizing importance of scouting and map control. Only visible portions of map will be those to which the player has active units in. There will be themed maps; forest, volcanic, futuristic and jungle with hope to expand to many others with time.
    Funding would occur through you, our supportive donors, to kickstart (no pun intended) this project beyond a playable demo. The playable demo will be downloaded from our Steam page in May/June 2024. The Demo is free to play and we would appreciate any and all feedback on game mechanics, hotkeys, playability, fairness of factions/unit breakdown. Through donor funding, our goal is to enhance the gameplay, graphics, expand on a campaign, custom editor and community. Funding will also all me to keep this project running, increase server access.


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