For the first time ever, our backers will have the opportunity to help us choose a design to be unlocked. Not just any design, but a major one! A dragon.
Our Royal King Tentacle Kitty has put out a quest:
A vexed dragon has been seen nearby, and you have been nominated the "Royal Hugger". His Majesty, the Royal King Tentacle Kitty, commands you to go hug the dragon until it feels better.
The only problem is, he didn't tell you what the dragon looks like. Vote for the dragon you think needs a hug the most!
This is a backer's only quest! Be sure to head over to the Poll to Vote on which dragon you want to hug most after you Back the project.
When we hit the stretch goal to unlock the Dragon, the design with the most votes wins!
Campaign of the Dragon!
Campaign of the Dragon
For the first time ever, our backers will have the opportunity to help us choose a design to be unlocked. Not just any design, but a major one! A dragon.
Our Royal King Tentacle Kitty has put out a quest:
A vexed dragon has been seen nearby, and you have been nominated the "Royal Hugger". His Majesty, the Royal King Tentacle Kitty, commands you to go hug the dragon until it feels better.
The only problem is, he didn't tell you what the dragon looks like. Vote for the dragon you think needs a hug the most!
This is a backer's only quest! Be sure to head over to the Poll to Vote on which dragon you want to hug most after you Back the project.
When we hit the stretch goal to unlock the Dragon, the design with the most votes wins!
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