Goodman Games
11 days ago

Project Update: Stretch Goal Cleared: Slipcase Add-On Now Available!

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Slipcase Stretch Goal Cleared! Now Available As Add-On!

You asked...and you delivered! After Caverns of Thracia smashed through all the original stretch goals, we added new stretch goals based on backer request. Now the $420k stretch goal is cleared - and the slipcase is now available!

You can add a slipcase to your pledge right now by clicking this link!

The even better news: Doug Kovacs has agreed to do the art! He's started work on a painting to grace the slipcase. This will be an entirely new Caverns of Thracia inspired image. We've seen a rough sketch so far and it's looking good. The Caverns of Thracia core hardcover now has various cover options by Sanjulian, Jennell Jaquays and Doug Kovacs - quite the lineup if you ask me. 

Next up in the stretch goals is a GM screen at $450k. Do us a favor and add on some slipcases to see if we can close out $450k fast!

And for all the Americans in the audience - Happy Independence Day!
Once we hit this value, we'll manufacture a slipcased sized to the Caverns of Thracia hardback, and maybe - just maybe - it may even feature new art! The slipcase will be a $15 add-on.
Goal: $420,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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