Heya, good news! Your games are on the freight boats! 🥳
Freight Tracking 🚢
Your games are embarking on the first leg of their journey to you in freight ships! They are currently making their way across the oceans to our regional warehouses. Their expected arrival at port is in between late July to early August depending on the location, and then, they will be transported to the warehouses for inbounding.
We expect all warehouses to complete the inbounding process in August so we can start shipping games, but this will depend on how quickly the games can get through customs and ground transportation. We will continue to give you fulfillment updates and will let you know when we are better able to estimate when packages will be able to start shipping from each warehouse 🫡
If you're as excited as we are and want to track the progress of the games as they cross the water, here are the individual ship details:
If you backed both the Mythic Mischief Vol 2 and Moonrollers + Dark Matter campaigns, first, thank you for your double support! Second, you may be eligible for a refund on your Moonrollers shipping 🫢
Due to some unexpected production delays on this project's ambitious 6-month delivery schedule, its timeline happened to sync up with the shipment of the Mythic Mischief games. Hence, they are currently being shipped together on the same boats, and we now have the option to merge the Moonrollers and Mythic Mischief Vol 2 fulfillment to save you some shipping costs!
We plan to merge the two orders to be shipped together in one package to you, and we will refund you 100% of the Moonrollers shipping costs after we have confirmed the merged shipping.
No action is required other than you confirming the emails match between your Mythic Mischief and Moonrollers BackerKit orders. If your emails don't match or if you have any questions, please send us an email with the subject line "Moonrollers + MMV2 Merge Orders"
If you would rather have the two orders shipped in separate parcels, please let us know with this form by August 6th so we can notify the warehouses in advance. Note, the parcels will still be shipped in the same time frame, but just in individual boxes and without the refund.
Shipping Refunds for merged orders:
The refunds for Moonrollers shipping costs will take place after Aug 6th, which is the deadline for letting us know if you would like to opt-out of the combined shipping. We plan to send the refund through the original card you used on the Moonrollers BackerKit pledge manager.
Though the shipping timeline for Moonrollers has shifted a few months from our projected timeline, we are still grateful to be able to deliver this game less than a year from its funding! We're excited to get these games to you!
But to do that, we need the right address... 🤲
Shipping Address Changes 📦
We will be finalizing all shipping addresses on August 6, 2024 to begin shipping in late August and early September 2024.
If you are unsure where you will be located in August or September, please change your shipping information to a secure address so that you will be able to receive your game. This can be a family member's or friend's address instead.
You can change your shipping information by recovering your Backerkit survey, and then clicking either the "Edit Shipping Info" or "Edit Your Address" button.
If you need any help with shipping address changes, you can email our support team at [email protected]with the subject line "Moonrollers Address Change" and we will respond as soon as possible!
We're hosting an AMA on Reddit where you can ask us anything! The event will start tomorrow, July 11th (10am to 12pm CDT) and will be pinned at the top of the subreddit.
If you're more interested in a live gameplay, we have more of those too! Right after the Reddit AMA, we will have a gameplay livestream with Q&A.