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Sandra Tayler
3 days ago

Project Update: Stretch Goal Achieved and One Week Left!

Greetings Backers!

We've got one week left on this project and we just cleared the first stretch goal! I get paid and the lecture bundle add on will contain a fourth bonus lecture.  I feel very optimistic that we'll unlock both the audiobook and offset printing before the project closes.

Thank you so much for your support in getting the project this far!

There are some things I want to note so that you have the chance to update your pledge if you wish.

Updated project timeline: I've created a more detailed project timeline on the main story. The most important note is that I originally hoped to have books in your hands by December's holiday gifting season. I now think that is unlikely. Even if the added chapters did not slow the project down, book printers get very backlogged between October and the end of the year. I now hope to have books in your hands by March of 2025. All through the process I'll keep you updated to let you know when to expect your book. I just wanted to make sure you don't plan on this book for this year's holiday gifting.

Updated Table of Contents: The exact titles of chapters are still in flux, but the list gives you an idea of what is already in the book and what I intend to add before going to print. 

With that housekeeping out of the way, I want to return to celebration. Every day since this project funded I've carried joy that so many people are excited about my book. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
*muppet flail*

When 600 books are sold the production will be via offset printing instead of print on demand.
Goal: 495 / 600
We need 105 more to reach this goal.
Reaching this goal will fund an audiobook version of Structuring Life to Support Creativity read by a professional narrator.
Goal: $20,875 / $25,000
We need $4,125 more to reach this goal.




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