Little Ones are Coming Your Way Soon!
Hello Wonderful Backers,
We hope you're all enjoying a fantastic summer. The wild blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries are in full swing, and we've been loving these impromptu snacks on our local trails. As we approach the start of fulfillment for Wild Gardens, we wanted to provide you with updates on the timelines for each region and share our excitement for the best four days in gaming—GenCon!
Fulfillment Timeline Update:
All things Wild Gardens are currently in transit to their final destinations. Our fulfillment partners have everything they need and will begin shipping as soon as they receive the games. Here are the current ETAs for when each fulfillment center will receive the products:
AUS/NZ - July 17th
UK/EU - July 17th
US - August 11th
CA - August 13th
Based on these dates, we expect all backers to have received their Wild Gardens games and accessories by the end of August!
GENCON Block Pary
GenCon and Wild Gardens:
We’ve always promised to be transparent with our backers, so we want to address Wild Gardens being sold at GenCon this year. We had hoped to have most of the fulfillment underway by the time of the show, but unexpected port delays disrupted our plans. The cost of having a booth at a convention, paying contractors to help staff it (we don't use volunteers), and covering the hotel and food for our team is very expensive—especially at GenCon, where prices are often higher.
To help cover these costs, we calculated how many copies we needed to bring just to cover our expenses. We had 125 copies air-shipped to GenCon for this purpose. Backers outside the US will have already started receiving their copies, and those in the US and Canada should begin receiving them within 10 days of the show. We hope you understand and appreciate our commitment to transparency about these decisions.
Find Us at booth #255
GenCon Previews:
GenCon is almost here, and we have a lot of exciting previews in store for you! Whether you're eager to try our new party game Turnip, curious about the buzz surrounding our special series of Birds Games, or looking to get a sneak peek at our epic co-op campaign game Gone to Gaia, we've got you covered. Visit us at booth #255 or stay tuned to your favorite board game media channels for all the updates!
We can't wait to see you at GenCon and to see copies of Wild Gardens hitting tables. Your favorite reviewers have also begun receiving advanced copies of the game, so be sure to tune in to your favorite shows to see what they think.