We're halfway there! Thank you guys all so much for the amazing outpouring of support I've received for this campaign. :)
We still have a ways to go however and would love if y...
7 days ago
Backers Choice Plushie
Hello!! Please drop down below the plushie you may like to see as the backers choice unlock! :)
I will be adding all the suggestions to a poll! :D
We're halfway there! Thank you guys all so much for the amazing outpouring of support I've received for this campaign. :) We still have a ways to go however and would love if you guys could share this everywhere you can!! You're all amazing, and I consider each of you a friend! That being said, please feel free to join the discord! :D Link shouldn't expire this time
I've already pledged and don't plan to back out, but I am curious, how big do you expect to make these?
I need a stingbat to sit on my head or at my table during Shadowdark games