Cross-Collab Campaign, New Pledge Levels, and Design Requests
Hello backers! I hope you are having a nice July so far. We have nine days left in the campaign.
Cross-Collab Campaign
I wanted to highlight our cross-collab campaign, Pride P...
15 days ago
New Pin Goals and Design Requests
Hello backers, I'm back with new pin goals and design request sketches!
New Pin Stretch Goals
I added eight pins as stretch goals to the campaign. This brings the total number ...
about 2 months ago
Design Request Sketches
Hello angel enthusiasts! It's time for another update. We have 20 days until the end of the campaign.
New Pin Stretch Goals
A reminder for all backers to please upvote your fav...
about 2 months ago
New Pin Stretch Goals!
Hello campaign followers, I'm here to share some new pin stretch goals! We have 24 days until the end of the campaign.
New Pin Stretch Goals
I have added twelve pin designs t...
about 2 months ago
End of Day One, All Goals Funded!
Hey there campaign followers and backers! I have our first campaign update for you, I thought I'd send this out ahead of schedule since the campaign has done so well. This is a ...
20 days ago
What designs would you like added as pin stretch goals?
As of this post we've funded all our current goals! Would you like to see more pins added as funding goals? Let me know which in the comments or upvote them with a "like," whichever designs have the most likes will be added.
Hello backers! I hope you are having a nice July so far. We have nine days left in the campaign.
Cross-Collab Campaign
I wanted to highlight our cross-collab campaign, Pride Potions! If you pledge to both Pride Potions and Pride Angels, you'll receive a pair of exclusive freebie pins.
All of the initial Pride Potions goals are funded, and there are more on the way with Key & Crow Studios taking suggestions for more flags on their Community page.
Design Requests
I have finished eight of the ten Design Request angels, here they are (you can view full images on my social media):
I'm still working on the remaining two Design Requests. I wasn't 100% happy with my previous sketches, so here are some new ones. I'm hoping to get them done before the end of the campaign.
I was thinking about adding more Design Request slots but we're a bit too close to the end of the campaign and if I added them now, I would worry they would not be filled before the end. My apologies to anyone who had inquired about additional slots! There's always a chance a slot might open up before the end of the campaign, so keep an eye on the Design Request pledge level.
I am considering opening Design Requests outside the campaign, in the future or for Pride Month next year. I would not be able to offer the full array of merch for requests outside a campaign, but would make them into stickers and keychains. You can vote in this poll or comment on this update if you are interested. If you feel any are missing from the current roster, you can let me know which ones you would request.
New Pledge Levels
I have added some discounted pledge levels for sixteen and twenty pins. Be sure to switch to these pledge levels before the campaign ends, you will not be able to change pledge levels after the campaign.
That's all for this update, have a wonderful rest of your day!
Hello backers, I'm back with new pin goals and design request sketches!
New Pin Stretch Goals
I added eight pins as stretch goals to the campaign. This brings the total number of campaign pins to forty! If these designs are not funded during the campaign, they will be available to fund in the survey/preorder store, so don't worry if we don't reach these goals. Since the pace of new pledges has slowed down I'm not planning to add any more goals after these, but if it picks back up again I'll consider additional goals.
The Ally and Questioning pins will be unlocked at $36K.
Ally will be 1.7 inches wide, with gold plating and screenprint.
Questioning will be 1.8 inches long, with black nickel plating
The Bigender and Demigender pins will be unlocked at $38K.
Bigender will have soft enamel, epoxy, and dyed metal plating. It will be 1.8 inches long.
Demigender will be 1.9 inches long with black nickel plating.
The Demiboy and Demigirl pins will be funded at $40K.
Demiboy will be 1.45 inches long with black nickel plating.
Demigirl will be 1.4 inches long with black nickel plating as well.
At $42K we will fund the alternate Lesbian and Transgender designs as pins.
Lesbian (Alternate) will have black nickel plating and be 1.7 inches long.
Transgender (Alternate) will have rose gold plating and be 1.8 inches long.
Additional FAQ
I've gotten some repeat questions so I thought I'd share the answers here, these questions have also been added to the campaign FAQ.
Are the guest artist designs available as campaign pins/options in the survey? Yes, the guest artist designs can be selected in the survey. Any pins shown on the campaign page that we have reached the funding goal for, will be available to select.
Will the Design Request angels be available to all backers? Yes, these designs are just like all the other designs and are available to all backers. They are available as stickers and keychains, and can be unlocked as pins, patches, and lanyards depending on order quantity in the survey/preorder store.
Why can't you ship to Germany and France? I am unable to ship to these countries due to their local packaging laws. If you are located in Germany or France, please read my About Page/FAQ for information about my stockists who can ship to you, or help me find a stockist near you.
Design Requests
I completed another batch of Design Request sketches! A huge thank you to all the backers who sponsored these designs. If you opted to receive credit as a sponsor, you will be credited once I post the final designs. I am planning to polish these up and add shading, etc. to match the other Pride Angels.
If you are a Design Request backer: While the campaign is ongoing I have time for some edits. If you are the sponsor of one of these designs, please resubmit this form with your feedback. Please also let me know if you would like to be mentioned publicly as the sponsor or would prefer to stay anonymous. After the campaign I will reach out to all Design Request backers via email, so don't worry if you miss out on this form, it's completely optional. However, please note that once the campaign ends I will not be accepting feedback for edits, since I will not have time for them while working on post-campaign setup.
Finally, I thought I'd share some process sketches as a bonus. The Pangender design was a little tricky for me, I went through a lot of different options! The final design ended up being the most popular but if you are the sponsor for this design, you can let me know via the form if you prefer a different one.
Here are some discarded ideas for Pangender, Oriented Aroace, and Butch.
That's all for this update. Be sure to share the campaign and your favorite designs if you want to see them funded!
As of this post we've funded all our current goals! Would you like to see more pins added as funding goals? Let me know which in the comments or upvote them with a "like," whichever designs have the most likes will be added.
Hello angel enthusiasts! It's time for another update. We have 20 days until the end of the campaign.
New Pin Stretch Goals
A reminder for all backers to please upvote your favorite designs onthis discussion post! Whichever designs get the most "likes" will be added as additional pin stretch goals. We're doing quite well so far in funding our current goals, and I expect a big push at the end of the campaign, so I might add a few more goals before the end.
Design Requests
Another reminder if you are a Design Request backer: I have an optional request for you to fill out this form and let me know what flag and theme you'd like for your design, so I can get started on them early. Please only fill out this form if you are a Design Request backer, I will be double-checking the names of those who submit the form.
A big thank you to the Design Request backers who already submitted this form! I have been hard at work on your requests, here are some sketches. I hope you all like these designs.
The Design Requests are not meant to be commissions, but while the campaign is ongoing I have time for some edits. If you are the sponsor of one of these designs, please resubmit the form with your feedback. Please also let me know if you would like to be mentioned publicly as the sponsor or would prefer to stay anonymous, if you didn't mention it in the form already.
After the campaign I will reach out to all Design Request backers via email, so don't worry if you miss out on this form, it's completely optional.
Today's highlighted pollis about a common question I get, regarding recolors of these designs. Would you be fine with non-Pride colors, or should they keep Pride colors only? Let us know!
That's all for this update, have a wonderful rest of your day!
Hello campaign followers, I'm here to share some new pin stretch goals! We have 24 days until the end of the campaign.
New Pin Stretch Goals
I have added twelve pin designs to be funded via stretch goals. Thank you to everyone who commented and upvoted these designs onthis discussion post! If these designs are not funded during the campaign, they will be available to fund in the survey/preorder store, so don't worry if we don't reach these goals. If somehow we fund all of these, I'll consider adding a few more so please continue to comment and upvote your favorites in that discussion post (if possible please put one design per comment to make it easier to vote for them).
At $24K we will unlock the Queer pin in both colorways.
The main colorway will be 2.3 inches wide with gold plating.
The alternate colorway will also be 2.3 inches wide, with black nickel plating.
At $26K we will fund the Queerplatonic pin pairs. Each pair counts as "one enamel pin" for the purposes of pledging.
Each pin in the main pair will be 1.5 inches wide with rose gold and black nickel plating.
Each pin in the alternate pair will be 1.2 inches long, also with rose gold and black nickel plating.
The Demisexual and Demiromantic pins will be funded at $28K.
Demisexual will be 2.2 inches long with black nickel plating.
Demiromantic will be 1.9 inches long with black nickel plating.
At $30K we will fund the Sapphic and Achillean pins.
Sapphic will be 1.8 inches long with dyed metal plating, soft enamel, and epoxy.
Achillean will be 1.8 inches long with gold plating.
At $32K the Omnisexual and Voidpunk angels will be funded as pins.
Omnisexual will be 1.7 inches long with black nickel plating.
Voidpunk will be 1.7 inches long with black nickel plating.
The alternate Genderfluid and Nonbinary designs will be funded at $34K.
Genderfluid (Alternate) will be 1.9 inches long with black nickel plating.
Nonbinary (Alternate) will be 1.8 inches long with gold plating.
Keychains, Patches, and Lanyards
I've added mockups of the keychains to the campaign page, and you can now add keychains as addons to your pledge. Mockups of the patches and lanyards will be available to view in the survey/preorder store.
I wanted to give some heads-up about patches and lanyards for those of you interested in them:
Patches may be more simplified than the designs shown in the survey/preorder store, because they use embroidery. The artwork will be finalized by the manufacturer after the order is placed.
Since the lanyard artwork requires a lot of work to make, I will only be making that artwork for designs that get funded. I might work on some of the artwork in advance depending on backer interest. If there is a design you really want a lanyard for please leave a comment on this update or "like" an existing comment for that design, and I will make artwork for them based on popularity.
Please only order the patches and lanyards if you would be okay with the designs changing, or this element of mystery!
Design Requests
If you are a Design Request backer, I have an optional request for you to fill out this form and let me know what flag and theme you'd like for your design, so I can get started on them early. I was originally going to message you all privately but it looks like there's no way to do that before the campaign ends. So I hope you see this update. Please only fill out this form if you are a Design Request backer, I will be double-checking the names of those who submit the form.
Highlighted Poll
Today's highlighted poll is for you all to weigh in on the flag coverage. Did we get all your flags? Is there one we missed? Vote in the poll and leave a comment, your ideas might help the Design Request backers.
That's all for this update, I'll talk to you again soon.
Hey there campaign followers and backers! I have our first campaign update for you, I thought I'd send this out ahead of schedule since the campaign has done so well. This is a long update, so I've broken it into sections, please read it all if you can.
Day One Recap
It’s the end of week one and I’m so happy to share that all current goals have been funded. Keychains have been added to the addons menu. A big thank you to all of you who have shared and supported the campaign!
We have 25 days until the campaign ends. Since we've got so much time left...
Additional Pin Stretch Goals
I am thinking about adding a few more pin stretch goals, mainly for anyone who would want additional pins and also to get the pledge level discount. Please comment on this discussion post with the designs you would want added as stretch goals, or give a "like" to a comment that already suggested that design, and whichever have the most likes will be added.
Additional FAQ
I've gotten some repeat questions so I thought I'd share the answers here if you missed this information, these questions have also been added to the campaign FAQ.
Is shipping flat rate? Yes, shipping is flat rate, and will be charged in the survey. Please see the Shipping section for more details.
How can we get pins of the other designs? Those designs will be funded as pins in the post-campaign survey/preorder store, please see the Survey section for more details.
Should we pledge for just the campaign pins, or the other designs as well? Please pledge for only the designs available in the campaign, the ones shown on the campaign page. There is no guarantee the additional designs will be funded, so you risk overpaying if you pledge for them too.
How the Survey Works
I also got a question about the survey, I'll share the answer below for those of you who are unfamiliar with it. The survey has two parts.
The first part consists of survey questions: where you answer survey questions depending on your pledge level. In this example I have pledged for one pin and I select it from the available options in the dropdown menu. Only the Pride Angel designs shown on the campaign page will be available from this menu. If I pledged for two pins, I’d answer two questions with a selection, and so on.
The second part is the survey addons: where you can select your addons and purchase additional merch. If you purchase addons during the campaign, you will have credit that you can use to purchase your addons. It is in this section that the other designs will be up for preorder, depending on order quantity.
Cross-Collab Freebie Pins
Don't forget to check out our partnered campaign, Pride Potions. If you pledge to both campaigns you'll receive a pair of cross-collaboration freebie pins.
Highlighted Poll
Finally, I wanted to highlight one of the ongoing polls. It's for if you plan to get only your flags' designs or other designs too. These polls are just for fun and curiosity, feel free to weigh in!
I'll be back with another update soon. Have a great rest of your week!