First to back and grab goodies! Thank you lovely!
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
As a streamer myself, I’d love to back at the “Player” level in order to join the “Game Night” fun, but 2AM UTC is a bit late for me here in the UK. Would you please consider capacity for some game night sessions to be scheduled for us heathens from the other side of the pond? Thanks folks.
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
This user contributed to this community!
Couldn’t sleep then saw this opened. So I’m in. wave Ad
This user contributed to this community!
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
I was the second backer and picked Player. I am one of the Golden Ones from Cypher Unlimited Discord, we have such an amazing community there and here. Are there any backers here who want to take my Player pledge? I want to play with the wonderful folks from MCG, but I love this community so I am happy to give others the chance to do so.
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
I heard the description from the cipher Unlimited crew that this will be similar to a Discord server. Do we have any information on potential content and format? What types of things do we think will be included here? Game tools, information on new products, anything else unusual? What type of discussions will be posted? Similar to what’s already on the discord server? Any other new innovative thoughts you can share? Thanks!