BackerKit FAQ

How does BackerKit crowdfunding work?

Crowdfunding is a collaborative way to bring ideas and projects to life. Project creators post their idea for a project, and backers pledge money to make the project possible. Backers get behind the scenes access and backer-only rewards, which can include exclusive products, special pricing, creative input, content, and more.

To become a backer, select a pledge level that features the reward(s) you would like to receive when the project is successfully completed and make your contribution.

All-or-nothing crowdfunding model: The creator sets a funding goal and a deadline to raise funds. If the project does not meet the goal by the deadline, backers credit cards are not charged and no money changes hands.

Crowdfunding projects can happen at various stages of the creative process. Make sure to check the estimated timeline of when rewards will be delivered. Project creators will keep you updated on the progress toward completion and delivery of your rewards.

Backing a crowdfunding campaign is not the same as purchasing an item from a store. When you back a campaign you are supporting the creation of something new. Rewards are almost always delivered, but are not guaranteed.

When will I be charged for my pledge?

Your payment method will not be charged right away. You will be charged for the amount of your pledge when the campaign ends and the project reaches its funding goal. You will not be charged if the campaign does not reach its funding goal.

What happens after the campaign is over?

The Creator will send out a survey that will ask you for more information about your pledge, your shipping information, additional items you may want to add to your pledge, and collect shipping fees if applicable.

The survey will be sent to the email address we have on file with your pledge.

Any additional payment will be charged when you complete your survey and confirm your order.

Project FAQ

What is Trickerion, the role-playing game? / ¿Qué es Trickerion, el juego de rol?

Trickerion, the role-playing game, is set in the alternative clockpunk Victorian world adapted from Trickerion - Legends of Illusion. In this world, magicians, magic tricks and the new technology they develop influence the life of the great city of Magoria. Factions, intrigues, wonders, magic and more! ____ Trickerion, el juego de rol, está ambientado en el mundo victoriano clockpunk alternativo adaptado de Trickerion - Legends of Illusion. En este mundo, los magos, los trucos de magia y la nueva tecnología que desarrollan influyen en la vida de la gran ciudad de Magoria. ¡Facciones, intrigas, maravillas, magia y más!

Is it a board game or a videogame? / ¿Es un juego de mesa o un videojuego?

No, it's not. Trickerion, the roleplaying game is a tabletop RPG. Is the official adaptation of Trickerion - Legends of Illusion board game. _____ No, nada de eso. Trickerion, el juego de rol es un juego de rol de mesa. Es la adaptación oficial del juego de mesa Trickerion - Legends of Illusion.

What makes Trickerion, the role-playing game special? / ¿Qué hace que Trickerion, el juego de rol, sea especial?

Illusionism. Tricks. Fame. Lights. Shades. Mystery. Applause. Omens. Prestige. Espionage. Loyalties. Sabotage. Secrets. Betrayals. Life. Magic. All that is Trickerion. Trickerion, the role-playing game, will put yourself in the shoes of apprentices and magicians who live in the great city of Magoria, the Capital of Illusionism. Prepare your tricks. I learned new ones. Develop your skills. Design the next big show. Try to become famous magicians in an alternate Victorian world of amazing engineering and cool tricks. Meanwhile, you find yourself involved in the exciting plots of a city full of the wonders, enigmas and subterfuges that surround the world of illusionism and the Trickerion Stone. Will you be able to use your special skills and tricks to unravel each mystery? Will you be the great teachers who will begin the new Golden Age of Magic? _____ Ilusionismo. Trucos. Fama. Luces. Sombras. Misterio. Aplausos. Presagios. Prestigio. Espionaje. Lealtades. Sabotajes. Secretos. Traiciones. Vida. Magia sutil. Todo eso es Trickerion. Con Trickerion, el juego de rol, os pondréis en la piel de aprendices y magos que viven en la gran ciudad de Magoria, la Capital del Ilusionismo. Preparad vuestros trucos. Aprended otros nuevos. Desarrollad vuestras habilidades. Diseñad el próximo gran espectáculo. Intentad convertiros en famosos magos en un mundo victoriano alternativo de ingenierías sorprendentes y trucos geniales. Mientras, os veis envueltos en las trepidantes tramas de una ciudad llena de las maravillas, enigmas y subterfugios que rodean al mundo del ilusionismo y de la Piedra Trickerion. ¿Seréis capaces de usar vuestras habilidades y trucos especiales para lograr desentrañar cada misterio? ¿Conseguiréis ser los grandes maestros que comiencen la nueva Edad de Oro de la Magia?

I want my Trickerion, the role-playing game rewards. How do I get them? / Quiero Trickerion, el juego de rol, y sus recompensas. ¿Cómo las consigo?

You can contribute to this project by choosing a pledge level. Each tier offers different rewards. Moreover, once the funding threshold of the project is reached, the extra money we get will unlock additional rewards. ____ Puedes contribuir a este proyecto eligiendo un nivel de aportación. Cada nivel ofrece diferentes recompensas. Además, una vez que se supere el umbral de financiación del proyecto, el dinero extra que obtengamos desbloqueará recompensas adicionales.

How do I choose the language of my rewards? / ¿Cómo elijo el idioma de mis recompensas?

A few weeks after the campaign ends, we will open the Pledge Manager. Backers will be able to choose the language there. _____ Unas semanas después de que finalice la campaña, abriremos el gestor de recompensas (Pledge Manager). Los mecenas podrán elegir el idioma allí.

Do the prices include VAT?

Yes, the do. All prices for Trickerion, the role-playing game include VAT.

When I will receive Trickerion RPG rewards? / ¿Cuándo recibirá mis recompensas de Trickerion, el juego de rol?

We prefer to be realistic with estimates (although we may get ahead of ourselves). Havin said that, the early access for Trickerion, the role-playing game core book PDF will be available February-March 2025. The Book of Scenarios PDF will be available March-April 2025. Shipments will start September 2025. _ Preferimos ser realistas con las estimaciones (aunque es posible que nos adelantemos). Dicho esto, el acceso anticipado al PDF del manual básico de Trickerion, el juego de rol, estará disponible en febrero-marzo de 2025. El PDF del Libro de escenarios estará disponible en marzo-abril de 2025. Los envíos comenzarán en septiembre de 2025.

What are the shipping costs and when do I pay them? / ¿Cuales son los costos de envío y cuando los pago?

Shipping cost estimates are available in the "Shipping" section of the campaign. These are estimated amounts based on initial quotations with our logistics partners. For a better fit, the final shipping costs will be updated and paid during the Pledge Manager. We always work to ensure that shipping costs do not increase or are even as low as possible. _____ Las estimaciones de gastos de envío están disponibles en la sección "Envío". Estos son cálculos estimados basados ​​en los presupuestos iniciales con nuestros asociados de logística. Para un ajuste más preciso, los gastos de envío finales se actualizarán y pagarán durante el Pledge Manager. Siempre trabajamos para que los gastos de envío no aumenten o incluso sean lo más bajos posible.

Can I add more add-ons and copies to my pledge? / ¿Puedo añadir más suplementos, extras y copias a mi compromiso?

Absolutely. Backers will have different add-ons available during the crowdfunding and Pledge Manager. _____ Por supuesto. Los mecenas tendrán diferentes add-ons disponibles en la campaña y en el Pledge Manager.

Can I change or improve my pledge during the campaign? / ¿Puedo cambiar o mejorar mi nivel de aportación durante la campaña?

Of course. You just have to click on “change your contribution”. _____ Por supuesto. Solo tienes que hacer clic en “cambiar tu contribución” ("change your contribution").

Can I step up my pledge tier after the campaign? / ¿Puedo aumentar mi nivel de aportación después de la campaña?

Yes, of course. During the Pledge Manager there will be one last opportunity to upgrade your reward level. _____ Sí, claro. Durante el Pledge Manager habrá una última oportunidad para mejorar su nivel de recompensa.

I have questions not answered here, how can I contact you? / Tengo preguntas que no están aquí, ¿cómo puedo comunicarme con vosotros?

Email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible. _____ Escríbenos a [email protected] y nos comunicaremos contigo lo antes posible.

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