They say the real treasure is the friends you make along the way, and we couldn't agree more on this. Just look at what we managed to accomplish together! We do hope that you had a great time sharing this adventure with us, and that you'll keep fond memories of our thrilling journey!
THANK YOU is not enough, but it's the only couple of words that make sense right now!
Thanks to you Outgunned Adventure is now the #1 most funded Italian RPG of all time! Let this final Stretch Goal, a commemorative poster, be the constant reminder of the adventure we shared together!
Now it's time to say goodbye...
It's really the end. There's nothing more to see here. Really.
No need to wait for the credits to roll.
They are always boring anyway!
And that was all! Thank you for staying with us this late!
Now let's turn on the lights and... Oh, come on! ANOTHER SCENE?
Wait! Could this be a...
Shh! Quick!
Turn off the lights!
NOOO WAAAAY!!! Is there a super secret, super awesome super special, SPECIAL ROLE FOR OUTGUNNED ADVENTURE?
Enjoy your Post-Credit Unlock: The Fortune Seeker!
Now that's a proper end for such a fun and thrilling adventure.