That's right Adventurers, this year we've got 3 GREAT nominations at the Ennies:
• + BEST GAME...
Two Little Mice
10 days ago
Greetings, Adventurers!
Today we're opening the Pledge Manager and the Pre-Order Store, and we're also sending out the original Outgunned PDFs... So please have a seat and get...
Two Little Mice
13 days ago
What now?
Greetings, Adventurers!
It's been a while since our last update, and we already miss the exciting days of the campaign. Don't you?
Well, there'll be plenty of new adventures in...
Two Little Mice
24 days ago
They say the real treasure is the friends you make along the way, and we couldn't agree more on this. Just look at what we managed to accomplish together! W...
Two Little Mice
24 days ago
We're 2 hours into OVERTIME MODE, which means that even if the campaign was supposed to end some hours ago, we're still going and unlocking Stretch Goals!
Thanks to some (a lot...
Two Little Mice
25 days ago
LAST HOUR - It's NOT Over!
You keep going, and we'll keep going with you!
As we are in the middle off a Live Stream, we don't really have much time to update you, but there's the deal:
Where will your next Adventure take you? Let us know about the Treasure you wish to find, and the places you wish to visit during your first OGA session!
That's right Adventurers, this year we've got 3 GREAT nominations at the Ennies:
+ BEST GAME: Outgunned
If you want to support us, you can vote ONE (1 is the BEST vote) in any of this categories. It takes very little time, but it surely means the world to us <3
To celebrate this nominations, Daniela has made this very special artwork that will be featured in Outgunned Adventure. Enjoy it!
Since we've been quite for a couple of weeks, this seems the best moment to catch up with a LIVE STREAM!
We'll see you tomorrow, July 13th at 5pm CEST
Thank you for your suppor <3 We'll see you tomorrow!
This is probably addressed somewhere but I haven't found it yet.
Each Role and Trope grants a list of feats that you can choose from, but there have been new feats added in other books (WoK, AF, soon to be OGAdv, etc.). Is there any sort of reference that shows which of the new feats are available to the older Roles and Tropes? Or if you play RAW, can you only choose from the listed feats of the Roles and Tropes?
Today we're opening the Pledge Manager and the Pre-Order Store, and we're also sending out the original Outgunned PDFs... So please have a seat and get ready for a VERY LONG update!
You will soon receive an emaillink for the Backerkit survey,to the same email address you used on Backerkit Crowdfunding. Please don't worry if you don't receive your email right away, the invitation process can often require some time. You can always come back to your Backerkit survey using the link you'll receive via email, or by requesting another link at this page: https://outgunned-2.backerkit.com
In the Pledge Manager you will have a chance to:
Upgrade your Pledge to a higher tier
Select your Language (English or Italian)
Choose any Add-On
Insert your physical Address
Pay for Shipping
If you need to UPGRADE YOUR PLEDGE, there's a "Switch your Pledge Level" link right below the Get Started! green button on the very first page of the survey. Please check the image below:
Click "Switch your Pledge Level" to upgrade to a higher tier
--->DECEMBER 15th 2024 IS THE DEADLINE <---
Please make sure to complete and send your survey BEFORE December 15th 2024 to ensure that you receive your rewards. Thanks for your help!
As always, should you have any problem, please reach us at [email protected] and we'll do our best to help you out.
Backers who chose the Hero tier will have the chance to request a Two-Wave Shipping, in order to receive the original Outgunned books and accessories* as soon as possible. If you want to receive a two-wave shipping, please select the TWO-WAVE SHIPPING ADD-ON on the Pledge Manager. You will pay an additional shipping fee, depending on your Country, but you will ensure to receive the original material by the end of August 2024.
*Outgunned original books and accessories includes: Outgunned, World of Killers, Action Flicks 1, Project Medusa, Director Screen, and the Stretch Goal Box 1 .
We also just opened our Pre-Order Store for Outgunned Adventure! If someone has missed this campaign, now it's their last chance to grab all the books and even the Adventurer and Hero All-Ins!
Finally, in a few hours we're sending out the original Outgunned PDFs via DrivethruRPG, to those of you who selected the DIEHARD, PROFESSOR, or HERO pledge levels, or the relevant add-ons. You will receive all this PDF books in both English and Italian, an within the next 24 hours.
We JUST found out that Outgunned has been nominated BEST GAME and PRODUCT OF THE YEAR at the 2024 ENNIES. We're also nominated for the FAN AWARD to the BEST PUBLISHER!
We are SO EXCITED for these Nomination, but soon enough YOU WILL HAVE A CHANCE TO VOTE FOR US! May we count on you once again, oh mighty Adventurers?
It's been a while since our last update, and we already miss the exciting days of the campaign. Don't you? Well, there'll be plenty of new adventures in the future!
So, what now?
We're currently waiting the usual time to allow all the payments to be processed, and luckily things are going pretty smoothly. If any of you has experienced any kind of problem during the payment process, please reach us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to help you out during the pledge manager.
You'll be happy to know that the Pledge Manager and the Pre-Order Store will open this FRIDAY (July 5). During the Pledge Manager you will be able to upgrade your pledge, select add-ons, and choose the language for your rewards. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, we'll make a full update about the PM on Friday so you have all the info you need in one place.
You'll be even happier to know, that despite the ridiculous amount of stuff you unlocked during the campaign, thanks to our partners we managed to keep the shipping cost in line with what we originally anticipated at launch.
That's all for today. Soon enough we'll start sharing some new information about what we are working on, to make it easier for all of you to bear the wait before the books are released!
I was filling out my survey and noticed the adventure dice added as an addon and it's locked so I can't remove it. What's the deal there?
Not interested in an additional set. It's locked and seems to want to charge for it.
What are the differences between the two screens?
I got Action Flicks vol1 as an add-on to my Adventurer pledge, will I be able to play the flicks with my Adventure screen, or do I need to get the Director screen as an add-on?
I know I have to wait for my physical copies and the new Adventure PDFs, but when will the files from the original Outgunned be sent out?
They already exist, so I was curious... I'm just excited to play!
They say the real treasure is the friends you make along the way, and we couldn't agree more on this. Just look at what we managed to accomplish together! We do hope that you had a great time sharing this adventure with us, and that you'll keep fond memories of our thrilling journey!
THANK YOU is not enough, but it's the only couple of words that make sense right now!
Thanks to you Outgunned Adventure is now the #1 most funded Italian RPG of all time! Let this final Stretch Goal, a commemorative poster, be the constant reminder of the adventure we shared together!
Now it's time to say goodbye...
It's really the end. There's nothing more to see here. Really.
No need to wait for the credits to roll.
They are always boring anyway!
And that was all! Thank you for staying with us this late!
Now let's turn on the lights and... Oh, come on! ANOTHER SCENE?
Wait! Could this be a...
Shh! Quick!
Turn off the lights!
NOOO WAAAAY!!! Is there a super secret, super awesome super special, SPECIAL ROLE FOR OUTGUNNED ADVENTURE?
Enjoy your Post-Credit Unlock: The Fortune Seeker!
Now that's a proper end for such a fun and thrilling adventure.
We're 2 hours into OVERTIME MODE, which means that even if the campaign was supposed to end some hours ago, we're still going and unlocking Stretch Goals!
Thanks to some (a lot!) last minute adventurers, you just managed to unlock a new addition set of dice!
A new set of 9 D6 + 1 matching Grit D12. Brown on Ivory. The Ivory dice will be added for FREE to all the ADVENTURER and HERO tiers, and will also be available as Add-on!
And now, for the third AND last time, we have ONE FINAL GOAL!
At € 482.000 Outgunned Adventure will become the most funded Italian RPG of all time, and in case we break the record we want to celebrate with you with one last Stretch Goal!
Can we break the record? At this point it doesn't really matter, but we do hope you enjoyed sharing this adventure with us! We know we did. Thank you!
As time is running out, and a massive stone wall shuts you out of the collapsing temple, you still managed to snatch the RING before it was too late. We're proud of you, Adventurers!
A metal engraved Ring that you can use as the most amazing token ever to keep track of who's holding the Key during you Outgunned Adventure campaigns!
The Key Ring is NOW AVAILABLE as Add-on, and will also be added for FREE to every ADVENTURER and HERO tiers, so if you were thinking about maybe upgrading your pledge, this might be the best time do it!
NOW THIS was supposed to be the very last Stretch Goal. HOWEVER, our duty as Directors of this incredible trap-filled campaign impose that we keep going unti the very END. So get ready for yet another Stretch Goal!
Please remember to join us for a final Live Stream, and please remain seated until the credits end.
With less than 48 hours stil to go, you managed to avoid the traps and to unlock the Stretch Goal Box
Now we're not gonna lie, we actually never thought this far... But that does NOT mean that we're going to stop now!
As the stone door slowly closes in front of you, you've just enough time to unlock a few more Stretch Goals before finally escaping our fallen temple.
BUT BE WARNED: It's not going to be easy. We want you to be strong, and to have faith in this amazing campaign, and to keep running with us until the very end... that by the way we will follow LIVE!
Enough talking, let's see the next Stretch Goals, and the SHINY NEW ACHIEVEMENT!
Pencils are a recurring item in our campaigns, but if you know us you know that our pencil come with a special rule on it, that only Outgunned Backers will know!
The Adventure Pencil will be no different. I will feature a unique rule written on it, and it will ONLY be available for FREE for ADVENTURERS and HEROES.
€430.000 - ERROR ... ERROR
Wait, there's something wrong with this Stretch Goal! We can't understand what's going on here. Mhhh... Please give us some time. Maybe we can figure out how to fix this before the next Update!
Early stage mockup. Final design may vary
€450.000 -THE KEY RING
We'll admit it. It was EXTREMELY hard to come up with something cooler than the Stretch Goal Box. It took many and many sleepless nights to finally find what we believe is the ultimate adventure Achievement: the KEY RING.
Of course you already have cards that you can use to keep track of who's holding the Key, but this Ring is the ULTIMATE token. Imagine receiving this from the Director with the words "Now you're carrying the Key". You can really feel the weight of your responsibility. No pressure!
The Key Ring will be added for FREE to every ADVENTURER and HERO tiers, so if you were thinking about maybe upgrading your pledge, this might be the best time do it!
Now take a deep breath, don't stop running, and always remember:
Poisoned darts and collapsing tiles are no match for you. You keep running, you never look back, and most importantly you always manage to unlock every single Stretch Goal we're throwing at you!
We've got only a handful of hours to go, and one last goal to achieve: theKEY RING
This is no time to rest, but at least we can already celebrate that INSERT COIN has finally joined the Flicks, and Action Flicks Vol 2 is now complete!
Yes, you unlocked the last Action Flick, but what about a new Flick-mixing extravaganza? INSERT COIN is a new supplement that will allow you to mix the Action Flicks, and go online to play the videogame of your life. Think of Ready Player One, Tron, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle or even Free Guy. You get the idea!
But we got one last Stretch Goal to grab before we leave this collapsing temple of a a campaign...
€450.000 -THE KEY RING
Of course you already have cards that you can use to keep track of who's holding the Key, but this Ring is the ULTIMATE token. Imagine receiving this from the Director with the words "Now you're carrying the Key". You can really feel the weight of your responsibility. No pressure!
The Key Ring will be added for FREE to every ADVENTURER and HERO tiers, so if you were thinking about maybe upgrading your pledge, this might be the best time do it!
Don't forget that in a few hours we will be LIVE to follow together the final hour of this thrilling campaign. Now more than ever we need your support to go through all of this!
Now take a deep breath, and get ready for the final ride: