Latest from the Creator
Gehenna Gaming
6 days ago
Day 15 Update: Halfway There and almost $100K!
Hey friends! Today, we have another big update as we approach the campaign's halfway point. You've brought us to nearly $100K, which is huge. $100K will fund the Eldritch Automa...
Gehenna Gaming
9 days ago
10 Days In Update - The Road So Far!
Hey folks! Larger campaign update today! We have a bunch to talk about, and many thanks to say. When we launched Eldritch Automata, we honestly didn't think we'd have nearly 900...
Gehenna Gaming
12 days ago
What music would you listen to as you pilot your Automata?
The dust settles as your Automata steps foot out of the hangar, ready to face off with approaching horde. The OA hasn't told you a Seraph is nearby, but you have a hunch one won't be far along with the number of Horrors on the horizon. You pop your headphones on as you grasp t...
Gehenna Gaming
12 days ago
800% Funded! Sneak Peak at the Equipment System, Soundtrack, and More!
Hello pilots! We passed $80K today, and are amped at how much closer to unlocking our next few stretch goals that brings us! Only $5K till we add two more archetypes to the boo...
Gehenna Gaming
17 days ago
3 Days Down and over 700% Funded!
Hello pilots! We've passed the $70K point after just three days love, and are thrilled at the progress you've all helped us achieve. • 11 Stretch Goals Unlocked • E//A: Homefro...
Gehenna Gaming
19 days ago
24 Hours In and 500% funded! Thank you!
Hello everyone! First of all, Nick, Ian, and the whole team want to say thank you so much for your initial response and reactions to the launch. We did not think we'd hit 500% f...

Do we have to select the FLU items in addons or is it automatic and the addon ones are fore more?

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If anyone finds an actual play of the module from the QuickStart, please share it here! I’d love to give it a watch/listen :)

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Hi! Both Quicklaunch Guide and the BK campaign describe Seraphs as "extremely beautiful creatures" but it doesn't go into specifics. How does a Seraph actually look? Will the book include pictures as well as a more detailed description of them? Thanks!

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I've added the Automata Archetype Pins as an add-on to my pledge, but only plan to get my favourite, does anyone know where I can read write-ups on the different Archetypes so I can decide?

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Gehenna Gaming
5 days ago

Project Update: Day 15 Update: Halfway There and almost $100K!

Hey friends! Today, we have another big update as we approach the campaign's halfway point. You've brought us to nearly $100K, which is huge. $100K will fund the Eldritch Automata soundtrack and start us toward our last two stretch goals. It also gives us massive feedback on interest in the game and where to go next.

So What Is Next?

Right now, while we watch the campaign numbers tick up, we're also hard at work on the game itself. We're finalizing writer drafts, commissioning art, and moving finished chapters into the editing phase. The E//A manuscript was already mostly finished prior to launch; we just need to make some adjustments and, of course, get those stretch goals written now!

Once the manuscript writing is 100% complete, we'll post a large update on the status and when we expect the book to move fully into layout (which will come after editing). Once the layout begins, I'm sure we'll share some teasers of pages and some more of the art going into the book. This will also be the signal to start writing on the supplements we have planned, including Homefront and Edge of the Apocalypse.

What's New?

We're excited to share that Eldritch Automata is now live on Diceweaver! You can check out the ruleset and access the quickstart there. Just sign up for an account.

We expect the quickstart rules to be available on Tabletop Mirror later this month and are making some adjustments to prepare them for Alchemy and other VTTs as well.

What's Coming Up?

A bunch of updates here. Thanks to your feedback we're adding FIVE more spots to the Become a Pilot and Become a Horror tiers. These spots will open up at 12 (Noon) TODAY, and we won't be adding more! So if you were interested in upgrading, grab a spot ASAP!

We're also announcing another live stream before the end of the campaign! Join Nick on July 19th at 6 PM EST for a Live Q&A to get your pressing questions about Eldritch Automata answered. Submit them early on the live stream discussion thread here on Backerkit to ensure your question gets answered.

Tune in here or over on to participate live, and we'll upload the Q&A to our YouTube channel after.

Also, while we intend to get the pledge manager and pre-orders up and running ASAP after the campaign ends, remember you *have* to back during the campaign to join the First Launch Unit and get that exclusive t-shirt and flight patch, so if you're friends are interested, tell them to back before July 25!

Projects We Love

Another spotlight on a cool project ending soon - the Official Planet of the Apes RPG!

From our friends at Magnetic Press Play, this campaign ends in just two days, so go check it out and tell 'em Gehenna sent you. If you want to learn a little more about the game, check out this podcast episode Eldritch Automata dev editor Ian recorded with Storytellers Forge talking about the game.
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Gehenna Gaming
9 days ago
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Do we have an idea of roughly how many pages the hardcover book/pdf will be? And will there be printer friendly versions of the PDFs? I was considering printing the quick start guide but my printer cried at the mere thought of it lol

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The dust settles as your Automata steps foot out of the hangar, ready to face off with approaching horde. The OA hasn't told you a Seraph is nearby, but you have a hunch one won't be far along with the number of Horrors on the horizon. You pop your headphones on as you grasp the controls of your tower mech, ready to ride her into the fray... what song starts playing?

We want to know what music you'd ride out the apocalypse to! Let us know below, and enjoy the OFFICIAL Writer's MixTape for Eldritch Automata, curated by Nick and Ian on Spotify!




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What items can I purchase after the campaign is over? The pledges I want to get cost quite a bit compared to what I get paid, I am wondering like my question ask if I can buy some of the add ons after the campaign is over.

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Gehenna Gaming
9 days ago

Project Update: 10 Days In Update - The Road So Far!

Hey folks! Larger campaign update today! We have a bunch to talk about, and many thanks to say. When we launched Eldritch Automata, we honestly didn't think we'd have nearly 900 Backers and almost $90K in the first ten days, let alone the full campaign. Our plan all along has been to build E//A into a regularly updated game, with new supplements being put out regularly to give y'all more stories to tell and ideas to use for your games.

The funding raised so far ensures this goal will be a reality, and we want to thank you all deeply for that.
Now, on to the updates!

Virtual Tabletop Access

We're excited to say Eldritch Automata will be coming to numerous VTT platforms soon. Before we even launched we were talking to the folks at AlchemyRPG because we love the tools they've developed and think it's an ideal place to run Eldritch Automata virtually. Since then, we've also been talking to other platforms to ensure you can play E//A on the VTT of your choosing. So we're pleased to say the game will be available *very soon* on Alchemy, as well as Diceweaver and Tabletop Mirror! If you aren't familiar with these platforms, make sure to check them out. They all have fantastic, unique aspects to offer GMs and players for virtual (and home) games.

ALL Stretch Goals Revealed

Rather than make y'all keep waiting, we've decided to unveil the final stretch goals of the campaign. These are two loftier goals we hope to achieve, but that won't impact the final book or reward delivery either way.

Stretch Goal 14 is the first Campaign Book for Eldritch Automata, which we're partnering with our friends at Storytellers Forge to produce. The team of writers over there is loving Eldritch Automata so far and can't wait to tell their own story about it. This book will be a full, ongoing campaign designed to help introduce GMs and Players new to E//A to the game, mechanics, and themes and allow you to explore them and grow as you become more comfortable with the game!

And our final goal is a personal endeavor that is near to our hearts. Gehenna Gaming got its start in events and content creation, and it has always been part of our mission to uplift marginalized creators and give back to the TTRPG community. If we manage to hit $150K, we'll use extra funds from the campaign to set up a creator scholarship to fund actual plays and podcasts of E//A that will have open applications.

If you want to help us with both goals, make sure you keep sharing the campaign with your friends and don't forget about our larger tiers and add-ons, where you'll receive a bunch of additional goodies with the game!

Unlocking More Art

Speaking of larger tiers, we're also running a poll right now. If you missed out on the limited tiers to contribute your pilot or Horror description to the game, we're considering opening up 5 more spots for each tier - if there's interest. So, if you want to upgrade to one of these tiers, make sure you vote and let us know!

Again, thanks for all your support so far, we can't wait to launch Eldritch Automata with you!
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Gehenna Gaming
9 days ago
We got our start in events and content creation and have always had a mission to shine a spotlight on amazing marginalized creators. We'll set up a fund for actual plays of E//A, which will be open to applications!
Goal: $100,246 / $150,000
We need $49,754 more to reach this goal.




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Gehenna Gaming
9 days ago
Our friends at Storytellers Forge Studios will tackle Eldritch Automata in a long-form campaign book, ranging from 20K-30K words, to create an introductory campaign for Game Architects looking to learn how to run E//A, and players new to the system!
Goal: $100,246 / $125,000
We need $24,754 more to reach this goal.




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Gehenna Gaming
12 days ago

Project Update: 800% Funded! Sneak Peak at the Equipment System, Soundtrack, and More!

Hello pilots! We passed $80K today, and are amped at how much closer to unlocking our next few stretch goals that brings us! Only $5K till we add two more archetypes to the book, and $20K till we are able to fully fund the official soundtrack to the eldritch apocalypse! 

The Armory System

For today’s update, we wanted to highlight one of the systems that wasn't explored in the Quicklaunch materials: the Armory. Your Automata is going to need some serious firepower to combat the Horrors, and we've built mechanics that allow you to customize that firepower with style. 

Weapons are created using a system we developed in which they derive their stats and abilities from Tags. We will have a catalog of pre-generated weapons to give players and GMs quick and easy access to a starting point to design your weapons, but we encourage players to use this system to add a personal touch to their Automata. Let's take a look at the four different types of Tags:
  • Damage Tags denote the amount of damage your weapon does.
  • Ranged Tags set the range your weapon can strike from.
  • Descriptor Tags are where your weapons come to life, covering all the numerous effects and furnishing that each weapon can have to be unique.
  • Flaw Tags represent the drawbacks of a weapon.

Cost is how we balance weapons, setting a limit to the capability of their strength. Automata weapons are divided into three tiers: Side Arms, Signature Arms, and Eldritch Arms. Side Arms have a maximum cost of 1. Signature Arms have a maximum cost of 3. Eldritch Arms do not have a maximum cost, but usually come with their own unique abilities and drawbacks. All tags come predetermined with a point cost. I.E. the Medium Damage tag has a 1-point cost while the Heavy Damage tag has a 2-point cost. Damage, Ranged, and Descriptor Tags will raise the cost of your weapon while Flaw Tags lower them.
COST = Damage Tag + Ranged Tag + Descriptor Tags - Flaw Tags

Examples of Tags

Example of Descriptor Tag
Knockback - On a successful attack, you can spend a stunt to knock the target backward into the zone behind them. If that zone is blocked by an obstacle, the target takes an additional 2 damage. (Cost 1)

Example of Flaw Tag
Volatile - This weapon can malfunction when used carelessly. Any panic roll during an attack results in self-inflicted damage equal to half of the weapon's base damage (rounded down, a minimum of 1). (Cost -3)

Soundtrack Teaser

As we climb toward unlocking the Official Eldritch Automata Soundtrack we want to give you all a taste of what types of music will be included! In collaboration with Sneakernet, we have an instrumental track to share with you all! Please enjoy "Automata Rise," a track inspired by the work of John Carpenter and the music of Pacific Rim!

Listen to "Automata Rise" Now!

Projects We Love

Last but not least we want to highlight a very cool project we have our eyes on that is ending soon - Wild Earth Dice! Who doesn't love chonky liquid core dice? Though the Architect may have sundered the earth and left humanity trapped in a new wasteland, the stars still shine above, offering a glimmer of hope for the future. Wild Earth Dice: Vision of a Thousand Galaxies are beautiful handcrafted liquid core dice that come in standard or Super Chonk (90mm) sizes! Don't miss this campaign before it ends in just a few days!




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Gehenna Gaming
11 days ago
25 votes
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